Monday, August 12, 2013

School starting, Fall Routine here we come!

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Lily had a blast playing on the splash pad at the Zoo!

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

we'd like to say a very special public thank you to everyone who came by to see us at Hosea's baby shower, and to all of you who thought of us that day even though distance or schedule may not have permitted you to come by.  We had a great time and were truly blessed! 

Thanks to all who blessed us on this day!

About a week and a half ago, we had the privilege of building a ramp for a disabled gentleman in our community.  Because of some strokes, he can't safely navigate stairs anymore.  His daughter and son-in-law are living with him as caregivers, while also trying to work to help pay the bills.  They're believers, who also happen to be recovering addicts who got to witness the body of Christ in motion and be encouraged not just by the gift of a ramp, but also through conversation with the guys working.  It was a blessed day all around.

It feels good to be finished!

Our first Thursday food distribution went great this month, but I forgot my camera!  We're thankful that the Lord blessed that day as well.  We had a great group of volunteers come out to serve, and the Lord held off the rain until the afternoon, which was great!

Last week, a young lady came into the Storehouse looking for a stove.  I met this young lady earlier this summer when we were out doing our community surveys with the Grace Church mission team.  She was easy to remember because she has blue hair and tatoos.  She stopped going to church earlier this year because the church she was attending insisted she change those external things, or leave, so she left.  Normally, we don't have a stove, but on this occasion, the Lord had provided for her.  After we loaded up the stove, Mrs. Dennyr spent some time encouraging this young lady that not all Christians are focused on the external.  She lovingly pointed out that the Lord doesn't want us to be a stumbling block to others by the way we dress or act, but that the Lord is most concerned about the what's going on on the inside.  After some time, the young lady left feeling very encouraged and promising to come to church with Dennyr.  Our prayer for her now is that she would follow through with that promise.  We just never know who the Lord is going to bring into our path, or how He is going to provide for them.  What we do know is that His faithfulness is everlasting and his desire is that all men everywhere would know and worship Him!

We wrapped up our BTCL preaching class the other week, and had a great finish.  The men are faithful and growing, and I'm blessed to be a part of their lives.  We're going take off the fall semester because of some other commitments, and look to dive in again after the new year.  Beginning mid-October I'll be teaching Church History at the Seminary Extension in Johnson City, which should be whole lot of fun! 

Things you can be praying for this week:

1.  We're starting to think about the Christmas Store outreach at FBC Greeneville, which we'll have a part in putting together.  Pray the Lord would bless our upcoming strategy sessions as we try to make our Lord's name famous through the holiday season.

2.  Praise the Lord for normalcy!  After a fast paced summer, the next 6 weeks or so leading up to Hosea's arrival looks like it's finally going to land our family in a routine and let us catch our breath!

3.  Lily started her homeschool preschool lessons last week!  Our little girl is an eager learner, but please pray for she and Meredith as they embark on this new journey together!

4.  In our church life, Meredith and I made the decision to put our toes back into youth ministry this fall by teaching the high school seniors' Sunday school class.  It was big decision for us because it meant stepping out of our current small group where we've been fed spiritually and blessed with new friends for the past couple of years.  Please pray that we'll be diligent to maintain our grown-up friendships while we serve this new group of students!

She's excited!
Saturday morning snuggles on the couch!
We took Lily to the Zoo, and she drove the camel like a pro!
Too Cute!

She used to be afraid of getting water in her eyes.  The splash pad cured that!

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