Thursday, January 30, 2014

And....We're Back!

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Hello there!  My name is Hosea!

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

After a brief hiatus from the blog, we are back.  Some of you perhaps thought we had dropped off the planet, but in reality we've simply been using some more old fashioned means to update people through the holidays.  Let me say a special thank you to everyone who sent us back a response card with your recommendations for the blog.  We've read through them all prayerfully and will try to incorporate some of those recommendations immediately.  If you have difficulty viewing the blog, particularly if you're viewing it on a mobile device, please email me and let me know.  I've tried to make some changes with you specifically in mind, and I would like to know if they are working!

Since it's been nearly 4 months since the last post, rather than overwhelm you with a single post so long no one will actually read it, I'm going to bring you up to speed with a handful of shorter posts over the next couple of weeks.  Since the majority of emails I've been getting have been asking to see pictures of the baby, these first couple of posts will be mostly that.  The next few emails will bring you up to speed on what we've been up to in ministry and where we're headed this spring.  As always, thank you so much for all your prayers and support!

Please pray for...
One specific prayer request is heavy on our heart.  Cindy Risk, the founder of Hunger First in Kingsport, an outreach similar to Mountain Vision, was killed tragically in a car crash earlier this week.  The funeral service is Friday.  She was a ministry partner, a friend of Charlie's and especially of my good friend Tommy Rutledge.  Along with grieving for her loss and for her family, there is an open question as to what will happen to Hunger First.  Grace Fellowship Church in Kingsport has been an active partner of Cindy and Hunger First for a number of years.  Please pray the Lord would comfort the grieving as well as provide wisdom and direction for that ministry going forward.  To read a bit more about Cindy, you can go here.

Meeting baby brother!

Home from the hospital!

I had very, very fat cheeks at birth.
These are a few pics from his newborn photoshoot.

This is what we wish life was like every day.
This picture better represents reality, but we still love them!  :)
Lily Bean and her pumpkin.

This was what Hosea thought about the pumpkin patch.

Our little pumpkins.
He's a cuddly boy!

All dressed up for our first daddy/daughter date!

Ready to go trick-or-treating.

Go Pirates!

He's just cute.
The gentleman who took our wedding photos lives in Johnson City, and he was kind enough to take some family photos for us last fall.  In this small world, his father-in-law was one of my church history students at the time.

Can you hear her singing "The hills are alive, with the sound of music..."?