Friday, June 6, 2014

Some of Last Month's Highlights

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On May 19th we celebrated 7 years of marriage.  The funniest part of the day was when we gave each other the exact same anniversary card!  We're not quite as polished as we were on our wedding day, but we're happier than ever!

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,

Thank you so much for your help in resolving our deliverability issues.  I think I have it fixed.  Praise the Lord!  Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Last week, a lady came into the Storehouse to get some clothes for her daughter.  She's been to see us regularly since finding us last fall.  Dennyr, our lead volunteer who interacts with many of our clients, recognized by her demeanor that something wasn't right, so she asked her what was going on.  At first she played it off like nothing was wrong, but Dennyr was persistent and soon the lady was opening up.  She told us the man she was living with decided she either had to let him into her bed, or get out of his house.  She left (a good choice) and spent a week living in a tent with her three year old before finding a friend who has taken her in for a while until she gets back on her feet.  She's currently trying to find employment and housing.  Over the course of the conversation, Dennyr very clearly shared the gospel with her, and explained that the reason she's in her current situation is because of her own sinful choices.  She also explained that unless she repents and gives her life to Christ and follows Him, she's going to continue to make self-destructive choices.  It was a teary conversation, but she didn't make a decision to follow Christ.  We went on to refer her to the gentleman who runs our local transitional housing, and made her aware of some job openings we felt like she's qualified for.

Through the hugs at the end of the conversation, she thanked us, and told us the reason she came to see us because she knew we would help her.  We've helped her quite a bit over the last year, but we've never shied away from telling the truth.  And even though I'm sure she's been offended by the fact that we've called her sin what it is repeatedly, she also knows we love her, we want to help her, and we have her best interest at heart.  Please pray that the Lord would continue to work in this young lady's life and soften her heart to gospel.  I tell you that story to remind you that relationships are messy and hard, and that it takes time to build trust.  People make bad choices, and they often don't repent even when it's obvious that they need to.

Thank you for enabling us to have time to build trust, to be involved in people's messy lives, and thank you for praying that the Lord would change their hearts!

May was a busy month and this post got too long, so I cut it in two.  Look for part two later this week.

Lily finished up her Mother's Day Out with a program for the parents!  She loves to sing!

I took Lily on her first fishing trip for our Daddy/Daughter date the Saturday before Mother's Day.

She had fun learning to cast her fishing pole.
Our fishing trip was a huge success!

Mother's Day was baby dedication day at church.

Our little family in our shiny clothes.

This guy is awesome and getting SO big!

He's almost always pleasant and brings a smile to the face of everyone he meets!

And chewing on everything, even his fancy tie!

What happens when your three year old finds out you're watering the lawn?  She gets soaked of course!
She's so fun at this age.  She just loves life!

"Look Dad, I'm about to run through the sprinkler!"

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