Monday, May 18, 2015

Happy Anniversary to my Amazing Bride!

On May 19, 2015, we celebrate eight years of marriage.  To celebrate, I'm taking my wife on a little trip down memory lane, and you're welcome to follow along and celebrate with us! This may take a while to load.  If you're having trouble viewing the pics, click here.

We met in Russia in June 2004. I was the admin guy in the country for her 8 week summer mission trip with Cru. We met at the train station in Moscow.  Her first words to me were: "Hi! I'm Meredith. I know your brother Josh. Can you get me a pack-et (bag)?" This picture was snapped later in summer, looking over the city of Saratov from Victory Park.

Everything was closed on the day of our first date, August 4, 2004, because Hurricane Alex came ashore the night before. Rather than cancel, I invited her to make the most of a muddy situation and took her four-wheeler riding.
In May 2005, Meredith was graduating from ECU the first time, and we went on a date to Tryon Palace in New Bern to celebrate!

We love weddings, and we've been to lots of them both when we were dating and since.  This day in August 2005 was special because we got to go to two weddings on the same day! 
Our story would not be complete without some of these pics.  I moved to Texas from August 2005 until December 2006 to do the Missionary Training Institute at Denton Bible Church while Meredith got her masters degree in Physician Assistant Studies from ECU.
  We were apart before the days of skype and facetime, so we had webcams and cell phones with unlimited minutes, and this is how we looked to each other.  I kept a phone bill from one month where I used over 9,000 minutes of talk time. That's an average of 5 hours a day.  I also spent about $3,000 on plane tickets flying home for long weekends.

We got engaged for the first time next to a bonfire on May 20, 2006, right after I had arrived home for the summer. Two days later we broke our engagement, and sought godly counsel as we worked through some relational challenges. The distance had been hard, and we hadn't handled that well.

About 6 weeks later, on June 30, 2006, I asked her to marry me again.  This time, we were ready.

On May 19th, 2007, we got married! It was a joyful day, and we were blessed to have an amazing group of people there to celebrate with us!

We walked out to the theme from Charlie Brown!

Still one of my favorites, this is probably the prettiest we've ever been :)
In December 2007, Meredith graduated as a PA and received her white coat!
In January 2008, I started seminary and Meredith started working as a PA.  In April 2008, we traveled to Russia for the first time as a couple to consider moving there as missionaries after I graduated.

For our first anniversary in May 2008, we spent a weekend at a bed and breakfast in Charleston, SC.
For our second anniversary in 2009, we splurged and went to the Dominican Republic for a week.
In May 2010, I graduated from seminary at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
With our first child on the way, to celebrate graduation and our third anniversary, we road tripped through the west. We drove 4,600 miles through nine state in 27 days, and we saw 9 national parks, including Yosemite.
On August 23rd, 2010, we welcomed our precious Lily into the world. The next year was a blur, generally lost due to the effects of long term sleep deprivation.
By her first birthday, Lily had overcome her colic and reflux, and we had begun to sleep again.  She's so cute you have to love her, no matter what!
For our 5th anniversary in May 2012, we snuck away by ourselves for a couple of nights to this quaint bed and breakfast in Roan Mountain, TN.

In June 2012, after saving for five years, we decided to build our own home. Lily was unimpressed in the beginning.

Along the way, she developed a love for helping clean up by picking up blocks and throwing them into Papa's tractor.

At her second birthday party in August 2012, Lily is thinking "You put icing on my cake. I don't like icing." She still doesn't. 
In November 2012 with the house about 75% finished, we moved in!

Move-in Day!  To understand the significance of this, you need to know that Meredith and I moved 5 times in the first 5 years of our marriage.  We are so glad to have a place of our own.
For our 6th anniversary, we took  Lily to the beach for the first time! It was cold!
We also found out in May 2013 that Lily going to have a baby brother!

For Lily's third birthday, we had a water party. She especially loved throwing water balloons off the playset!

On October 7th, Meredith gave birth to our 9lb 8oz man-child, Hosea Ray.

And this idyllic picture of our two precious children is a moment in time to be treasured, for it hasn't happened since.
This outstanding picture is a more realistic picture of our parenting experience.
Becoming parents has been an incredible challenge that brings unspeakable joy!
Our 7th anniversary passed without much fanfare.  Life with two little ones changes your priorities. But we are truly thankful the Lord has given us such beautiful, healthy, happy kids!
For Lily's fourth birthday in August 2014, we had a "Sound of Music" Tea Party, complete with hats and dress-up!
Hosea's 1st birthday last October was pretty low key. Second-child syndrome.  He's a happy, growing little guy who keeps mommy on her toes!
Now over two and a half years into living in our new home, it's about done. It took longer than we expected. I want to say a special thanks to my wife for her patience and endurance in this mega project!
Our two children love each other, and they love their momma!  They're going to be just like her someday. They're going to have her sense of humor, her frugality, her sense of responsibility, and most of all, her  love for Jesus.
The Bible is clear.  "An excellent wife who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain....Her children rise up and bless her, and I do to. I praise you, my darling, saying "Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all."  Life is crazy.  This blog post is just the tip of it.  So much is left out.  I've never once taken a camera out when we were having a fight and taken pictures of our ugly faces. I'm thankful that you've been faithful to walk with me through those ugly places, and to never give up, no matter how dark it got.  I'm thankful for the place we are today, where the dark days are in the past, and future it bright because of the godward orientation of our marriage.  God's grace has shined most brightly when we were at our worst, but his faithfulness endures in the sweet times.  I'm looking forward to many, many more years of sweet times.  I love you. I always will. Happy Anniversary. 

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful tribute to God and his plan for marriage and family. I love y'all and pray He will continue to bless you with His unfailing, eternal love and guidance. Happy anniversary! Betty Murphrey
