Monday, June 29, 2015

Phase 2 is Complete! and More Help is on the Way!

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Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors!

We've had an outstanding month in the Shrader household!  We hosted four men from Denton Bible who worked a ridiculously long week to finish the new bathrooms in our new Storehouse location.  Here are some highlights from the week. The before and afters are pretty incredible.

This is basically what it looked like when the guys arrived.
Cutting the opening for the new exit door.

With the largest section removed, now Pat works to clean up the edges.

The new exit door is installed!
While the guys outside worked on the new exit, Greg and Ken started framing out the new restrooms while Dave relocated the electrical circuits.
Pardon the dust. The framing is finished. 

With the dust temporarily too thick to work in the bathroom, they started framing the new waiting area.
Even Charlie got in on the action, cleaning the floors!
It took three volunteers nearly a day to removed all of the crumbling sheetrock that had been glued to the walls. All that's left is glue.
Ken led the crew in covering the glue and cleaning up the walls.

While Ken plastered the existing walls, the other guys hung insulation and sheetrock.
Despite working at a breakneck pace, Greg was never too busy to stop and entertain my little ones!...

Or to stop and make the guys do push-ups.
Starting the drop ceiling.
Jarod is priming the walls. The ceiling grid is up. The lights and new HVAC ducts are in place.

First coat of paint is on the walls.  The guys are finishing the ceiling tiles.
Jarod is painting the hall walls.
The ladies room is ready for partitions and floors.

Ken is installing the partitions while the other guys work laying the new floor.
Partitions are done. They're finishing the floor.

Finishing the floor in the men's room.
 As the guys get ready to leave, this is basically what it looks like.  The did an incredible amount of work in just a handful of very long days! The restrooms are "all-but" done.
New restroom hallway with the new exit door at the end.
New ladies' room
New men's room

Our crew loaded up and ready to drive home.
We'd like to say a special thanks to Pat Smith, Greg Dunne, Ken Reedy, and Dave Powell for making the long trip from Texas.  It was a delight to see the Lord use each of your unique skill-sets to bring this project together. You make an incredible team! We'd also like to thank JC from U-Turn, Jarod, and Sam for all their help during the week.  Thank you to Pastor Gary and the Calvary Chapel family for providing lunch for the guys, and for being patient with us while construction continues downstairs.

Phase 3 is the completion of the new waiting area and office.  We are blessed to have a mission team coming from Mount Moriah Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC, the week  of July 19th to finish that project.  Please be praying for that team as they prepare, as well as for all the preparations on this end to make their trip as successful as possible.

Phase 4 is the physical move of our shelving and inventory from its present location into the completed new location.  The week of July 26, our local church here in Greeneville, First Baptist, is encouraging our members to participate in a week of local missions.  We are planning to have volunteers from our church help us complete Phase 4.  With hard work, good planning, and a hefty dose of God's grace, Mountain Vision will open in its new location Tuesday, August 4th.

Things you can be praying for this month...
1. Pray for clear communication with the team coming from Mount Moriah, so we're all on the same page when they get here.
2. Pray that all the details, from housing and meals, to tools and materials would come together smoothly over the next three weeks.
3. Please pray our community as we make this big move, that the word would spread rapidly and our clients wouldn't have difficulty finding us.
4.  Though most of the posts lately have been about construction, the current Storehouse is still open and serving people every week. Our first Thursday food distribution is this week.  Please pray for God's continued favor on our ministry, and that we'd keep our eyes on Jesus as we seek to serve others.

Lily wanted some money to give to missions last week during VBS. When I asked her where money comes from, she said, "Work!" So, she got her first out the flower beds, earning money to give to missions.

On Saturday, we were blessed to witness the beautiful wedding of Andrea McNeely and Matthew Zimmerman! Andrea was Meredith's very first Bible study leader in Cru almost 15 years ago! Praise the Lord for Christian marriage!

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